PlantCon Exhibitor Portal
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Local Plant-Related Products - Business MUST reside within Texas. At least 90% of inventory and product must be related to live plants, live plant accessories, or plant-themed product (pottery, macrame, plant themed polymer clay earrings, etc.)

Local Maker - MUST be local to Texas. Inventory does NOT relate to live plants, live plant accessories, or plant-themed product. (i.e. honey, crochet, candles, eco-conscious lifestyle products.)

Non-Profit or Plant Organization - Does your organization want to have a FREE table at PlantCon? Your mission must either be non-profit OR plant related in nature. Subject to approval. Please contact us at after completing account creation.

Non-Local Plant-Related Products - Out of state but want to showcase your products? Normally, we'd ask you to wait for PlantCon to come to your area, but we're handpicking a few folks to join us early! At least 90% of inventory and product must be related to live plants, live plant accessories, or plant-themed product (pottery, macrame, plant themed polymer clay earrings, etc.)

Non-Local, Non-Plant Related Maker - Business does not reside within Texas and inventory does NOT relate to live plants, live plant accessories, or plant-themed product. Spaces for this category are EXTREMELY limited and competitive as PlantCon prefers to showcase businesses local to the state where the convention is being held.

Plant Seller - 100% of inventory must be related to live plants or plant accessories. Whether you're national or local, please select this if you're a plant seller! Plant sellers may bring plant-related items with them as well.

Showcase - Not selling any products on-site (showcasing a brand, advertising a new product, seeking wholesale clients or connections, etc.)

Sponsor - Once your sponsorship is confirmed, please create an account so we can place you on our map and ensure that you receive all communications sent through this Vendor Portal.

Consumables - Artisanal products like honey, packaged tea, spices, and anything intended for consumption. Our contracts currently do not allow packaged hot or cold meals, but you are welcome to create an account for the future.
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